St. Louis Alliance for the Preservation of Public School
Visit the discussion board for event information.
Hello and welcome to SLA4PPS!
SLA4PPS (slaps) is a place for everyone (and every group) concerned with the future of [traditional] public education in the city of Saint Louis. Whether you are a student, a parent, a teacher, an administrator, a community member and/or a tax payer, if you want to see traditional public education with a democratically elected board survive and thrive in our city, this is your group to connect with others and get things done. We believe public education is a public good and should accordingly be supported by the public.
SLA4PPS is an alliance--this means that we want to be a place where different advocacy groups can come together, share information, and organize. Or if you are an individual who hasn't found the right space for your work, you can join here.
SLA4APPS is independent: it is not affiliated with the district. While we appreciate greatly the work of groups like the Parent Action Council, as an organization we have no formal connection with the district, though individuals or groups that do have connections are welcome to participate with us.
SLA4PPS is non-partisan, but we are radically pro-children.
SLA4PPS has three goals:
to protect SLPS against privatization efforts and legislative attacks
to hold SLPS accountable and help grow it into a district that meets the needs of every student
to address how systemic and individual racist structures and actions harm our district and the children it serves--and procure redress
We plan to work through connecting with each other and collaborating! We'll have a monthly meeting as well as the discussion board to work together in the in-between times.
Emily Hubbard, SLPS parent of four
Pablo Ramos, SLPS STEM Teacher of the Year
This is a work in progress.